Voting guide: 2023 AGM

Written by Jack Rayner

20 Feb 2023


AGM, Voting

6 min read

We’ve been a mutual ever since we formed in 1849, and we remain fiercely independent. We’re still member owned to this day, so you can have your say on the Society’s future governance using your vote. Read on to find out more about voting and our 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The impact of your vote

In previous years members have had an important say in determining both ordinary resolutions, such as the election and re-election of Board members and to receive the Annual Report and Accounts, and also special resolutions.

In previous years, this included a special resolution to amend the rules of the Society in 2019, allowing virtual meetings to be held if required in future e.g. the recording of our AGM during Covid-19. The decision to change our name to Suffolk Building Society was also voted for by members in 2020, a resounding 93% voting in favour of the proposal.

Am I eligible to vote and what can I vote on?

The requirements for a member to be eligible to vote at our AGM is outlined in our Rules and Memorandum. You can vote ahead of our AGM if:

  1. You are aged 18 years or over on 22 March 2023 AND
  2. You
    a) had a shareholding in the Society of at least £100 on 30 November 2022 OR
    b) owed at least £100 to the Society on a mortgage loan on 30 November 2022 AND
  3. You
    a) have not ceased to hold shares in the Society at any time since 30 November 2022
    b) owe the Society not less than £100 on a mortgage loan on the voting date AND
  4. You are the first named account holder in our records.

Eligible members can have their say on the Society’s future governance and resolutions, this includes:

  • Receiving the Report of the Directors, Annual Accounts and Auditor’s Report
  • Election and re-election of directors
  • Approval of Directors’ People Wellbeing and Remuneration Report
  • Appointment of auditors
  • Any special resolutions which may be proposed

How will you contact me?

Members will receive an email from us by default, those without an email address or who have requested to receive a paper pack will receive it in the post. Voting packs will have started to arrive with members from 17 February, the pack will include everything you need to know about voting.

How and when can I use my vote?

Your voting pack will include full details on how you can vote, refer to the information below for four different ways to vote and deadlines for each method.

  • Online by 6.30pm on Monday 20 March
  • In branch by 12 noon on Saturday 18 March
  • Via post by 6.30pm Monday 20 March
  • In person at our AGM on Wednesday 22 March

How can I attend or watch the AGM?

It gives us great pleasure to be able to invite you to attend our AGM and an Audience with Dr Amir Khan, taking place on Wednesday 22 March at Trinity Park, Ipswich, starting at 6.30pm.

Once again, members will have the opportunity to watch our AGM live online, following our very successful pilot last year. Click the link below to find out more about our AGM and how to register your attendance.

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