Help and support.

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Savings, mortgages and general enquiries

0330 123 0723

Help and Support

Savings help

We will write to you 14 days before your maturity date. This letter will let you know what you need to do next. This could be continuing to save with us, or closing your account.

I opened my account in branch or by post:

If you want to access your account or choose a new product, get in touch with us to provide your instructions.

If we don’t hear from you by the end of the cooling off period, your account will be subject to the terms and conditions of your new product.

I opened my account online:

You can sign in to our online service and choose your options starting 14 days before your maturity date. These options will be visible up to and including the day before your maturity date. After this date, you can provide your instructions by secure message until the end of your cooling-off period.

If you choose to close your account, closures are sent using BACS. This means that if you choose this option up to 2 working days before your maturity date, funds will arrive in your nominated account on the first working day following maturity.

If we receive your instructions later, the funds will arrive in your nominated account 2 working days following the date we process your request.

If we don’t hear from you by the end of the cooling-off period, your account will be subject to the terms and conditions of your new product.

We’ll need you to contact us as soon as possible, either by getting in touch with your local branch or calling us on 0330 123 0723. We will also need written confirmation and to check your identity, which can be done by post if you are unable to visit us in person. When you contact us we will be able to explain next steps and also what to do if you need to withdraw funds without a passbook.

For further information on charges related to services and facilities associated with savings accounts, refer to our Tariff of Charges.

For electronic payments by Faster Payments or BACs enter the Society’s details as follows:

  • Sort code: 23-44-48.
  • Account number: 00004000.
  • Payee: Use your first and last name (please don’t use ‘Suffolk Building Society’).
  • Reference: please use your unique Suffolk Building Society mortgage / savings account number where you wish the funds to be placed.

If this is a new mortgage or savings account, it may take up to 48 hours for online banking facilities to verify our details. So, please ensure you check these details carefully.

For a standing order you will need to instruct your bank to set up a regular payment. You can use our standing order form in order to do this, or, to set up directly from your bank account yourself, use the above details for electronic payments.

To check your withdrawal conditions please refer to your individual account terms and conditions. For all withdrawal requests we will require a signed instruction and your passbook, if you have been issued with one. We may also request you to provide proof of identity when making a withdrawal.

Withdrawals from our branches are available as follows:

  • Cash up to £1,000 per member per day
  • Cheque up to £100,000 per member per day
  • Withdrawals to a previously nominated current account in your name up to £25,000, as a next working day transfer. This service is free.
  • For instant access accounts, withdrawals to your nominated current account can be conducted over the phone. Please get in touch with us to set up a nominated current account. This is not available for accounts with withdrawal conditions.
  • CHAPS withdrawals are available to a current account in your name. For transfers up to £100,000 a £25 charge applies.

For full information about withdrawals please read the General Investment Terms & Conditions.

Where a parent, grandparent or legal guardian acts as an authorised signatory for a child’s account any withdrawals made must be for the benefit of the child. Refer to the withdrawals section above for information on making a withdrawal.

Nobody is perfect, and we know from time to time things do go wrong. We want to know when you’re not happy so we can improve the quality of our service and identify possible training needs, and of course we’ll do all we can to resolve your problem. Visit our making a complaint page for full details.

Dealing with the death of someone close to you is never easy. We’ve put together a guide of what to do if your loved one had an investment account with us. You can read this on the following link:

You can change your address used on your savings accounts for yourself or a child where you are the operator or registered contact on their account and you live at the same address. You can do this using our Change of Address form you can access here.

Please contact us if you live at a different address to the child.

Where you hold a joint account with another person, each account holder will need to complete the form. Please note that we use an electronic verification system to validate your identity. We may need to contact you for further information.

Request a Certificate of Savings Interest, which shows the sum of interest paid during a specified tax year. No transactional or balance information is shown using the form here.

Please allow 5 working days to receive your certificate.

You can request a statement that shows transactions during a specified period and a balance as at the requested statement end date using the form here.

Please allow 5 working days to receive your statement.

If you’ve opened a new account with us online and attempt to make your first deposit, you might see a message which says your bank doesn’t recognise our bank details. This is because Confirmation of Payee (CoP) isn’t possible within the first two days of opening an account. You can still make your minimum deposit during this time, but it’s important to check the details carefully to make sure they’re correct. Full details on Confirmation of Payee (CoP) can be found here.

Help and Support

Mortgage help

If you’re looking to amend your mortgage contract in order to remove or add a named party you will need to contact us and outline your requirements. A new application will be required to remove or add a borrower to an existing mortgage. Please contact us  to discuss further.

You will need to prepare supporting information as we will ask for evidence to show all forms of income, existing credit commitments and typical levels of expenditure.

If you have legally changed your name, we will need to update our records. To do this please contact us on 01473 278511 or by email at [email protected].

You can have a different correspondence address to your mortgaged property address. If you want to change your correspondence address we will require a signed (wet) signature, please give us a call on 01473 278511 or complete our enquiry form. If you are changing your correspondence address because you wish to rent out your house, you will need the Society’s consent to do so. We are more than happy to talk it through with you.

If you have a mortgaged property with us on a residential basis and wish to rent it out, either to long-term tenants or for holiday let guests, you will need to speak to us first in order to change your mortgage contract. Depending on the circumstances this may include switching your mortgage to a buy to let or holiday let mortgage deal.

Your residential property must not be let out without the Society’s approval. Letting your residential property without the Society’s consent is a breach of your mortgage conditions.

When you make an overpayment to your mortgage you may have the option to reduce your mortgage term or reduce your monthly payment. Please contact us to confirm your preference and to discuss your options in more detail. We need to be notified if you choose to send a payment by cheque or BACS.

Debit card – 01473 278511
You can pay by debit card over the telephone (up to £10,000). Your payment will be applied to your account immediately and will reduce the interest charged.

Send us a cheque (payable to yourself with the account number on the back).

Bank Transfer
Some online banking facilities may not be able to verify our bank details, so please ensure you check these details carefully.

You can make a BACS bank transfer using the details below. Your payment may take up to 3 working days to be applied to your account:

Sort Code: 23-44-48
Account No.: 00004000
Reference: (Your 11 digit mortgage acc no. – 9 digit Unitary acc no plus 2 digit Sub acc no., eg: 70000000001)
Account Name: Customer name

Please refer to your original mortgage offer to check your overpayment allowance.

Once the payment is received, we will send out written confirmation of your new mortgage status.

Please note that once a payment has been credited to your mortgage account, it cannot be returned or drawn back down. If you believe that you may need this money for other purposes, we recommend that you take independent financial advice before making any overpayment to your mortgage.

For a basic example of what making a lump sum overpayment could mean for your mortgage use our mortgage overpayment calculator.

Before you took out your mortgage product you will have been given a personalised mortgage offer, which gives full details about your mortgage deal and outlines the set product period and any penalties or Early Repayment Charges which may apply if you repay or redeem your mortgage early.

Please contact us for confirmation of a redemption figure, how to avoid overpaying and to confirm any additional information.

We’ll get in touch with you prior to the end of your current mortgage product to let you know when you’re eligible to switch. This will usually be around three months before the end date of your product.

If you take no action when your mortgage product expires, you will either revert to our Standard Variable Rate (SVR), or to a discount variable rate that tracks our SVR. You’ll need to refer to your mortgage offer to see which rate you will revert to.

If one of the named parties on the mortgage is unable or unwilling to pay their share of the mortgage after divorce, you may be pursued by the lender for a higher percentage, or all, of the mortgage payments. Whilst this may impact your finances in the short term, not making the full payments due may also have long term effects for the credit profile of both named borrowers, regardless of the status of your relationship, and could result in you being turned down for future mortgage applications or credit agreements.

If you are concerned your payments may not be made on your existing mortgage you will need to contact your mortgage lender as soon as possible. If you have a mortgage with Suffolk Building Society please visit our problems paying your mortgage page or get in touch now.


You’ll need to work out your loan to value, also known as LTV, which is the ratio of how much you need to borrow against the value of your home. If your home has increased in value you may be able to access a lower LTV band, which usually makes for more competitive interest rates. Conversely if your home has dropped in value, or you’re needing to increase your mortgage balance, you may move to a higher LTV tier.

Our mortgage finder includes a quick loan to value calculator and will be able to show you our currently available remortgage products.

Our annual mortgage statements are produced on 30 November and are posted to you by the end of December each year. This is a full statement of your mortgage account showing all payments received and charges made between 1 December and 30 November. You can request a duplicate or interim statement but this will be subject to a fee. View our tariff of mortgage charges for more information.

These are available upon request. The first copy will not incur a fee, but replacement copies are chargeable. View our tariff of mortgage charges for more information.

If you are worried about paying your mortgage we’re here to help. We’ve put together some useful information in our mortgage payment difficulties page and whatever your situation we’ll do our best to find a solution, so it’s best to speak to us soon as possible.

Loans may be taken on a capital and interest, interest only or part capital/part interest only basis. For loans taken on an interest only or part interest only basis a repayment strategy will need to be evidenced.

We’ve put together some useful information about repaying an interest only mortgage, which is available on our repaying an interest only mortgage page.

Our interest rates are typically offered on a fixed, variable or discounted basis – check your personalised mortgage offer for full details about your mortgage deal and interest rate type.

A fixed interest rate will not change during the product period and is guaranteed, regardless of what happens to our Standard Variable Rate (set by us) or the Base Rate, which is set by the Bank of England and can influence interest rates set by mortgage lenders.

A variable or discounted interest rate is usually linked to our Standard Variable Rate which is subject to change in line with market conditions. When an interest rate change is due to take place we will write to you detailing the new interest rate payable, together with your revised monthly payment.

If you are still in your mortgage deal period and are looking to borrow more funds we may be able to assist with your additional borrowing requirements. Look at our borrowing more page to see what options we currently have available.

Nobody is perfect, and we know from time to time things do go wrong. We want to know when you’re not happy so we can improve the quality of our service and identify possible training needs, and of course we’ll do all we can to resolve your problem. Visit our making a complaint page for full details.

Dealing with the death of someone close to you is never easy. We’ve put together a guide of what to do if your loved one had a mortgage account with us. You can see this on the following link:

We’re also at the end of the phone so if you’d rather speak to one of our team, you can contact us – we’d be happy to help!

Help and Support

Bereavement help

Losing someone close to you can be very difficult, we’re here to help.

View our bereavement guide here.

Dealing with the death of someone close to you is never easy. We’ve put together a guide of what to do if your loved one had an investment account with us.

Find out what to do when an investment account holder is deceased here.

Dealing with the death of someone close to you is never easy. We’ve put together a guide of what to do if your loved one had a mortgage account with us. You can see this on the following link:

We’re also at the end of the phone so if you’d rather speak to one of our team, you can contact us – we’d be happy to help!

We understand that it is sometimes necessary for a customer’s account to be handled by another person.

View guidance on managing a bank account for someone else here.

Help and support

Savings application forms.

Savings Application Form


ISA Application Form


Junior ISA Application Form


Suffolk Young Saver Application Form



Useful savings downloads.

FSCS Information Sheet


Privacy Notice


Proof of your identity


Customer Savings Information FAQs


General Investment Terms & Conditions


Standing order form


ISA Key Facts


Savings tariff of charges


Guidance for people wanting to manage a bank account for someone else


Cash ISA or Matured CTF Transfer Authority


You and Your Joint Account


Your Rights as a Member of a Building Society


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