Voting Guide for our 2022 AGM

Written by Jack Rayner

22 Feb 2022


2022 AGM, Voting

4 min read

As a mutual society we’re owned by our members, and we encourage everyone to have their say and use their vote. Find out more about how this works and how we’ll be contacting our members about voting.

Who can vote and what can I vote on?
Members who can vote are called ‘eligible members’, and get to have their say on a number of resolutions, such as:
• Receiving the Report of the Directors, Annual Accounts and Auditor’s Report
• Election and re-election of directors
• Approval of directors’ remuneration
• Appointment of auditors
• Any special resolutions which may be proposed

The eligibility for a member to vote at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is outlined in our Rules and Memorandum. Ahead of our AGM on 23 March 2022 you will be entitled to vote if:

  1. You are aged 18 years or over on 23 March 2022 AND
  2. You
    a) had a shareholding in the Society of at least £100 on 30 November 2021 OR
    b) owed at least £100 to the Society on a mortgage loan on 30 November 2021 AND
  3. You
    a) have not ceased to hold shares in the Society at any time since 30 November 2021
    b) owe the Society not less than £100 on a mortgage loan on the voting date AND
  4. You are the first named account holder in our records.

How will you contact me?

We will contact members using email by default, sending a postal pack for members either without an email address or who would prefer to receive a paper pack.
Eligible members who have opted out of receiving their pack by email will receive a postal voting pack.

When will I be able to use my vote?

Your voting pack will contain all the information you need to vote. These packs should arrive with you by Wednesday 23 February.

How do I use my vote?

You can vote in the following ways:
• Online by 6.30pm on Monday 21 March
• In branch by 12 noon on Saturday 19 March
• By post which must be received by the Scrutineers by 6.30pm on Monday 21 March

Please refer to your voting pack for full details.

Will I be able to attend your AGM?
We are delighted to be able to invite you to our AGM in person at Trinity Park, Ipswich. This will be our first member event since March 2019, and our first as Suffolk Building Society, following our successful name change last year. We are also pleased to be able to offer members the opportunity to watch the AGM live online. This hybrid approach means that we will still be offering an AGM in which you can participate, regardless of the Covid situation. If you choose to watch the AGM online, please note that you will need to vote in advance.

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