When it comes to operating your savings account with us, there are many ways you can pay money in. Most of our savings members will be aware that you can currently pay in by cash, cheque and electronically, either through one-off payments or by a regular standing order. Visit our savings FAQs for the nuts and bolts of what and how much you can pay in.
We’re pleased to announce that members can now also pay into their account by debit card up to £1,000 at a time at our Mutual House branch in Ipswich Town Centre. Following a successful trial period, we hope to be able to roll out debit card payments to all branches in due course.
As the use of cash and cheques continues to decline in everyday usage, we feel it’s important to be able to offer our members a new, more flexible way to pay into their savings account. Debit card payments will further compliment our individual, face to face service across our branches while helping to bridge the gap to an ever-more digital world.
We hope both new and existing members will find this new facility useful!