Keeping on top of our finances is crucial in day to day life, with fraud being ever-present in the world, we want to remind you of how to stay safe from any potential online scams.
Tips on how to avoid fraud online
- Do not click on links or attachments from senders you don’t recognise
- Do not provide any personal information if you are not expecting to receive such a communication
- Double check any emails or documents you receive for any signs of fraud; this could be a false email address claiming to be someone else (always check the email address itself rather than just rely on the sender name). Often spelling mistakes or poor written English are a common giveaway
- Get someone to double check anything you may believe to be fraudulent
- If you are being asked to pay money in order to release funds you are “entitled to” this is a classic trick used by scammers
Our #1 Tip to foil the fraudsters
- The best way to avoid being scammed is to act with suspicion. If you are not expecting a communication, are being asked for personal information, have received a request for cash out of the blue or something “just doesn’t add up” – be suspicious.
- Remember a legitimate and genuine sender will never object to you getting a second opinion or making a telephone call to the organisation’s publicly listed number, and will never pressure you to take action immediately.
What to do if you think you are being scammed
- If you believe you may be a victim of a scam you can report this to the Citizens Advice website through their Scams Action Service or the police directly by calling 101. We are happy to offer support and guidance through our branch network, click here for information on where to find us.
- Make sure to get in touch with family and friends for support.
Main type of online fraud: Phishing
The term ‘Phishing’ refers to the process of someone supplying a bait i.e. an email link designed to lure in vulnerable people to click on. Phishing is a common method used by scammers predominantly on online platforms. Used mainly through websites and emails, they are designed to trick you into supplying your personal details or to click on dangerous links.